
  • Elmurotova Dilnoza Baxtiyorovna
  • Odilova Nilufar Jurayeva
  • Jumanov Shokir Eshimovich
  • Odilova E‘zoza Ulug‘bek qizi


Kalit so’zlar: nanozarra, nanomaterial, zond effekti, tunel effekti, pezoeffekt, fizika, atom, molekula, zarra, energiya, Van der Vaals, kuch, klasik mexanika.


Annotasiya: Ishda nanotexnologiyaning yaratilish tarixi va nanozarralar fizik-kimyoviy xususiyatlari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berilgan. Nanomateriallarni olishning mavjud usullari, optik mikroskop, tunnel effekti va pezoeffekt haqida zamonaviy ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.


1. Elmurotova D.B., Мussayeva M.A., Uzoqova G.S., Raximberganova Z.M., Shakarov F.Q., Yusupova N.S. Nanoheterostructures And Nanoheterojunctions Based on Zno/Znse for Nanomedicine // Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, JCLMM 1/11, 2023, P.2191–2196

2. Elmurotova D., Nishonova N., Kuluyeva F., Muxtarova T. Photoconductivity of gamma-irradiated ZnSe(Te)/ZnO:O and ZnSe(Te)/ZnO:O,Zn nanogeterojuctions // E3S Web of Conferences TT21C-2023, 383, 04051 (2023)

3. D.B. Elmurotova, М.А. Муссаева, F.G. Kuluyeva, B.J. Tashev, I.T. Raximov. Change of properties of medicine optical materials under gamma irradiation // Remittances Review, June, 2023, V. 8, No: 4, P.. 1206-1212, ISSN: 2059-6588 (Print) | ISSN 2059-6596,

4. Shodiev A.A., Mussaeva M.A., Nishonova N.R., Elmurotova D.B., Islamova D.X. Improving Structure and Superconductivity of Coated Cuprate Tapes by Irradiation with Electrons and Gamma-Rays // Nanotechnology Perceptions, ISSN 1660-6795, V.20, N.7 (2024), P. 209-126,

5. I. Mullojonov, Q.I. Narziqulova , V.G. Makhsudov , E.Ya. Ermetov, D.B. Elmurotova, M.I. Bazarbayev. Study of the appearing molar volume of electrolyte solutions and its application in health-biological processes // MedForum: Int. Conf. on Patient-Centered Approaches to Medical Intervention 2024, Dr. Tanima Bhattacharya et al. (eds) © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, London, P.38-40.

6. M.I. Bazarbayev, B.T. Rakhimov, Sh.A. Isroilova, D.B. Elmurotova, D.I. Sayfullayeva. Enhancing biophysics problem-solving skills in medical students through a targeted three-step strategy // MedForum: Int. Conf. on Patient-Centered Approaches to Medical Intervention 2024, Dr. Tanima Bhattacharya et al. (eds) © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, London, P.112-114.

7. М.И. Базарбаев., Д.Б. Элмуротова., Ш.К. Нематов., Ш.Ш. Азимов., Т.З. Даминов., А.Р. Махкамов. Современные подходы к гигиене рук медицинского персонала //The journal of humanities & natural sciences, Issue 8, V.1, 2024. P.208-217.

8. Elmurotova D.B., Odilova N.J., Jumanov Sh.E. Semmelweis against puberner fever in hungary // Western European Journal of Linguistics and Education, V.2, Iss1, January-2024 ISSN (E): 2942-190X, P.56-59, Germany.

9. Элмуротова Д.Б., Элмуратов Э.Б. Исследование и совершенствование техники и технологии по освоению скважин в сложных горно-геологических условиях на месторождениях Республики Узбекистан // Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, Ч-13, Т.5, Январь-2024, С.11-23, Россия.

10. Elmurotova D.B., Sayfullayeva D.I., Isroilova Sh.A. Terms of medical information system, World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH), V.34, May, P.91-92, 2024 ISSN: 2749-3644, Berlin.

11. Elmurotova D.B, Majlimov F.B., Zuparov I.B., Kayumova K.S., Xudoyberdiyev B.A. A modern approach to hand hygiene in medicine // European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements (EJHEA), V.5 N.05, May 2024 ISSN: 2660-5589, P.51-53, Spain.

12. Elmurotova D., Arzikulov F., Egamov S., Isroilov U. Organization of direct memory access // Intent Research Scientific Journal-(IRSJ), ISSN (E): 2980-4612, V.3, Is.10, October – 2024, P. 31-38., Philippines,

13. Elmurotova D., Arzikulov F., Izzatullayev I., Olimov A., Abdurahmonov J. The role of remote diagnostics in medicine // World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH), V.39, October 2024, ISSN:2749-3644, P.102-105. Germany,

14. Elmurotova D., Fayziyeva N.A., Urmanbekova D.S., Bozorov E.H. Implementation of the method of teaching x-ray therapy in higher educational institutions // Web of Teachers: Inderscience Research, V.2, Issue 10, October-2024, ISSN (E):2938-379X, P.18-23. Spain.

15. Elmurotova D.B., Esanov Sh.Sh., Abduraxmonov S.A., Ulug'berdiyev A.Sh., Umarov J.S. Medical device reliability and measuring instrument specifications // Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, EJET, V.34, October-7, 2024, ISSN: (E) 2795-7640, P.10-13, Belgium.

16. Shodiev A.A., Mussaeva M.A., Elmurotova D.B. Magnetic resistance and mobility of carriers of HTSC – YBCO tapes irradiated with 5 MeV electrons // Eurasian Journal of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, EJPCM, V.35, October-26, 2024, ISSN: 2795-7667, P.25-33, Belgium.

17. Elmurotova D.B., Fayziyeva N.A., Odilova N.J. Properties of electron and neutron therapy // Web of Medicine: Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, V.2, Issue 10, October-2024, ISSN (E): 2938-3765, P.137-141, Spain.

18. Elmurotova D.B., Yoqubboyeva E.Z., Orifqulova M.F., Imanova L.N. Application of computer technologies in medicine // Western European Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, V.2, Issue 11, ISSN (E): 2942-1918, November-2024, P.1-12. Germany.




